May 11, 2023
Sustainability is not just a catch phrase today. It is a true goal that people all over the world, in every industry, are getting behind.
Some of the sustainability efforts being undertaken by industries are mandated, as governments are instituting regulations such as emissions standards to fight climate change. In many other cases, though, businesses within industries are taking the initiative on their own, as they realize the immense benefits of going green.
While many companies focus on their internal operations and how they can improve processes to be more sustainable, there's another way to integrate sustainability in their practices -- with Point of Purchase (POP) retail displays.
Many companies claim to be sustainable, yet they're overlooking what goes into their POP displays. They're using metal and plastics, which proves there is a disconnect between what they're saying and what they're actually doing.
By swapping out these materials for bamboo, companies can become more sustainable as they're marketing their products for sale.
The Problems Caused by Plastics and Metals
Every minute, the equivalent of a garbage truck full of plastic is discarded into the oceans. Every day, 8 million individual plastic pieces make their way down into the oceans. Every year, between 4.8 million tons and 12.7 million tons of plastics get dumped into the oceans.
While plastics are certainly strong and versatile, they are causing a major environmental issue. And even though you may think that plastics are often re- used, that's just not true.
Of all the plastic waste that is generated every year, only 9% is recycled. Another 12% ends up incinerated, while 79% ends up either in the oceans or in landfills.
Metal isn't much better. In 2018 -- the last year for which data is available -- the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reported that there were 19.2 million ton of ferrous metals generated. Of that amount, 33% was recycled, while more than 54% ended up in landfills.
Companies are starting to take notice of this, too, and are searching for replacement materials.
Why Bamboo is So Good
Bamboo is perhaps the best way to replace metal and plastics in POP displays. It's a very sustainable material, in more ways than one.
Bamboo is a grass, and not a true, which is one of the reasons why it regenerates so quickly. The fact that it has such a high yield also characterizes it as what's known as a "carbon sink."
Studies have estimated that a single hectare of bamboo could store up to 306 tons of carbon over a period of 60 years. Chinese fir trees, by comparison, could only store roughly 178 tons over that same timeframe.
While they're growing, bamboo releases 30% more oxygen than many other plants do, and they also aid in preventing the erosion of soil -- each major components of climate action.
Finally, a study conducted a few years ago by the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan found that, based on use cases in Europe, all industrial bamboo products can be considered carbon-negative -- even after factoring in the carbon emissions generated during transport of the material in China.
From a practical standpoint, bamboo isn't just an extremely sustainable material. It's also strong enough to hold products on a POP display. Here are some other reasons why bamboo is a preferred sustainable material.
It Grows Fast
Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant in the entire world. On average, a bamboo plant only takes about three to four months to grow fully mature. Most trees, by comparison, can take about 30 years to reach maturity.
The speed at which it grows means that bamboo can be cultivated in mass quantities and replaced in nature easily.
It's Safe
In all bamboo fibers is an agent that's called Bamboo Kun. This agent has anti- bacterial properties that prevent contamination via microbes and bacteria. This means that bamboo is not only safe for POP displays -- as it helps to prevent the spread of diseases and bacteria -- it is also used in products such as cutlery, plates and bowls.
What's more, bamboo is cultivated without the use of any pesticides, which is a side benefit to the environment. And since bamboo is biodegradable, products made with it don't have to be dumped in landfills.
Plastics, meanwhile, contain BPAs that are harmful to humans and animals -- in addition to not being biodegradable.
It's Strong and Durable
Bamboo also is extremely strong and durable, which is essential for POP displays. The material is so strong, durable and versatile, in fact, that it's often referred to as "green steel." Today, bamboo is being used in everything from floors and POP displays to even build entire homes.
Bamboo also lasts a long time, which helps companies stretch their precious marketing dollars when paying for POP displays. Even better, it's extremely light, which makes it much easier to carry than other materials.
Benefits of Bamboo in POP Displays
In many cases, bamboo can be used to replace just about all metal and plastic in POP displays. Depending on the size and scope of the display itself -- and the products it will be holding -- bamboo can be used as the primary material, with only a little bit of metal used for support.
The great part about bamboo is that its surface can be stained or painted any color. This gives great versatility in terms of customizing your POP display to your brand and products.
Header panels can be made of bamboo and even painted or printed with your logo on it. Even the base of larger displays can be made of bamboo, with only a little bit of metal used as support.
Work with a Trusted POP Broker to Design Your Sustainable Display
Companies that want to "go green" can do so in their POP displays by using bamboo as a major substitute for metal and plastics. There are many benefits to doing so, since bamboo is so sustainable, safe, strong, durable and versatile.
If you want to explore your options on how to use bamboo in your POP displays, it's important work with an experienced company that you can trust.
Rhino Global Solutions has years of experience helping companies design, produce and deliver outstanding displays that help them stand out from the competition.
For more information, schedule a free consultation today.
To your display success,
Jerry Smith